Chez Lingueo nous offrons à votre entreprise la possibilité d'apprendre 15 langues. Mais aussi une stratégie adaptée, un service managé complet et des résultats mesurables dans votre espace dédié.
Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual form of a typeface.
Your consultant will help you design your training programs. We take into account the specificities of your company, your industry and your teams to design a customized program.
From small businesses to large groups, we support more than 500 companies.
We follow all the essential steps of a training course for you. From the start to the end of the training, we intervene at the slightest anomaly (drop-out, dissatisfaction) to ensure that your training is a success.
More than 250 criteria are continuously monitored by our teams.
A dedicated space allows you to follow the progress of your employees, with concrete data and measurable results. If you prefer, your consultant will prepare monthly reports.
75% of our customers use the dedicated space once a week.
Our focus is on the results of our training. Our unique approach has helped our 50,000 learners achieve their goals.
On average, ½ level is earned every 25 hours on Lingueo.
Lingueo offers the widest range of language certification in France through its Foreign Language Working Ability Tests - LILATE. The foreign language skills of our learners are thus recognized and recorded in a national passport.
Nos conseillers sont là pour vous fournir toutes les réponses à vos questions.
Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous démarquer et d'améliorer vos compétences linguistiques grâce à notre expérience d'apprentissage.