Progressez en italien grâce à nos formations sur mesure

En plus des cours particuliers, toutes nos formules d'italien comprennent un accès illimité à 43 fiches de compétences et 1075 heures d'exercices. En fin de formation vos compétences sont certifiées par le LILATE.

Training Italian by videoconference

En plus des cours particuliers, toutes nos formules d'italien comprennent un accès illimité à 43 fiches de compétences et 1075 heures d'exercices. En fin de formation vos compétences sont certifiées par le LILATE.

Cours particuliers avec un professeur enseignant sa langue maternelle
Créneaux disponibles du lundi au dimanche, de 8h à 23h
LILATE certification training

Nous vous rappelons en 15 min top chrono !

Pour payez votre formation avec votre CPF,
Contactez nos conseillers, ou appelez-nous au 01 84 80 43 10

Pourquoi nos formations sont efficaces

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual form of a typeface.

Les meilleurs professeurs sont sur Lingueo

Ses cours sont adaptés aux besoins de l’étudiant et à son rythme.
Professeur d'Italien
Sur Lingueo depuis 2020

Valerio, avocat italien reconverti en formateur d'italien en France en 2017, transmet avec détermination sa langue maternelle et la culture italienne. Expert dans l'adaptation aux besoins des adultes, il offre un apprentissage complet et enrichissant.

Moyenne sur 88 élèves

Handpicked Italian teachers

It is largely the quality of the teachers that makes the learning process successful. That's why Lingueo has been selecting the best teachers from around the world since 2007.
Only 15% of teacher candidates are accepted into the Lingueo teaching team, based on criteria that are essential for a motivating and quality course:

Graduated in the teaching of its language
5 years experience minimum
A gift for communication
A communicative passion and motivation
Sabina is Italian and has a degree in Education from the Catholic University of Milan. In Italy, she has taught literature and socio-psycho-educational subjects and has been a tutor for university students. Available and flexible, she takes into account the personal and communicative needs of each student and uses a rigorous grammar method. She varies the media used for her classes: audiovisual systems, newspapers, youtube and books, to open and stimulate the curiosity of each student.
Antonio is Italian but also speaks French. He is an educator and trainer in a college in France and teaches his native language to teenagers as well as to adults separately in companies. This Italian teacher offers courses at all levels and adapts to the needs and requirements of the students with a personalized program, desires and objectives to achieve. He uses an interactive pedagogy that encourages speaking, oral communication, and the European framework of language skills.
Francesca is Italian, born in Milan and graduated from the Catholic University of Milan. She has been working with foreign languages since 1996, in fact, in addition to Italian, Francesca also speaks French, Spanish and English. She teaches with passion and always adapts to the levels and demands of each student. Her courses are interactive, varied and attractive. Patience and good humor always accompany her classes. She is always listening and motivating.

50 000 élèves satisfaits

Italien : Niveau Avancé

Les cours sont assez intenses. En une demi-heure, on a le temps d’aborder pas mal de sujets qui me font bien progresser. Je suis contente de suivre les cours avec Lingueo.

Adila N.


Lingueo dans les médias

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Italian training by video conference

From 5 to 50 hours
Customized rhythm
Private lessons
Rating : 5 stars out of 5
4.9 - 6,337 votes
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