La formation linguistique qui  engage et transforme vos collaborateurs

Language training that engages your employees















Avec Lingueo, formez vos équipes dans toutes les langues du monde : de l’anglais au japonais, en passant par la langue des signes. Profitez d’un accompagnement sur-mesure, d’un service managé clé en main et d’un suivi en temps réel pour des résultats concrets.

On Google Reviews, our customers gave us a rating of 4.9 out of 5!
level in 25h

Our expertise to serve your objectives

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual form of a typeface.

icon strategy
A strategy adapted to
your structure
icon service
A complete managed service
icon dashboard
Accessible data, visible results
icon results
Impactful results
and rewarding

Example of companies that we accompany:

"The pilots were very satisfied! They appreciated getting one-on-one training with a dedicated coach."
Caroline Faurie
Air France Customer Experience Manager

Challenge: Enable nearly 300 pilots with complex schedules to follow a training program adapted to their profession, in order to improve their ease of use when making announcements in English.

Mission accomplished: We created a customized training program with the management, for which 30 dedicated English teachers were trained. We accompanied 287 pilots over a period of 3 months, offering them the flexibility and ease of use that their job requires.

Read the full case study
Our offer for companies
"Employees are more comfortable speaking in English. The training has allowed this to happen for some, and has strengthened the confidence of those who already had a good level."
Chloé de Belly
Knowledge & Career Manager @Skello

Challenge: Internationalize the teams of a fast-growing startup specialized in HR management. Raising the skills of all sales and project managers to a B2 level in English was a major strategic challenge.

Mission accomplished: At the end of customized training courses of 10 to 20 hours, depending on their needs, 100% of the team members followed reached at least the targeted B2 level. All of them have testified that they are now more comfortable and confident in speaking in English at work.

Read the full case study
Our offer for companies
"Our Lingueo representative has always been attentive and responsive. As for the trainers, offering personalized training that takes into account specific needs is a real plus."
Mathilde Lequenne
HR Manager @Hostellerie de Levernois

Challenge: To support the prestigious hotel group in its language training program during the holiday period, in order to improve the skills of all its employees in anticipation of the return of international customers.

Mission accomplished: After a personalized diagnosis, we set up customized training programs with content and volume adapted to each individual's job. At the end of the training action, all the learners showed a greater confidence in their ability to serve international customers.

Read the full case study
Our offer for companies

Lingueo publishes the LILATE certifications

Lingueo offers the widest range of language certification in France through its Foreign Language Working Ability Tests - LILATE. The foreign language skills of our learners are thus recognized and recorded in a national passport.

Learn more about the LILATE©.

Created in 2007, Lingueo is a French training organization ofexcellence:

Contact our team today

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Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous démarquer et d'améliorer vos compétences linguistiques grâce à notre expérience d'apprentissage.

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