Learn English irregular verbs efficiently

Learn English irregular verbs efficiently















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Irregular verbs are a key element of English grammar that must be mastered to communicate effectively in English. However, learning them can be difficult and tedious. This fact sheet provides methods and tips for learning English irregular verbs effectively.

Educational Objectives:

  • Learn English irregular verbs efficiently
  • Use irregular verbs in real-life situations
  • Improve English comprehension and communication skills

The basics of irregular English verbs

Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the regular rules of conjugation in English. Unlike regular verbs, which form their past tense by simply adding "-ed" to the end of the base form, irregular verbs have past tenses that are often very different from the base form. For example, the verb "to go" has a past form of "went", while the verb "to walk" has a past form of "-ed" to give "walked".

The most common irregular English verbs

Voici une liste des verbes irréguliers anglais les plus courants, classés par ordre alphabétique par catégorie suivante : Infinitif - Preterit - Present Perfect  àç

  1. Be - was/were - been
  2. Begin - began
  3. Break - broken - broken
  4. Bring - brought - brought
  5. Build - built - built
  6. Buy - bought - bought
  7. Come - came - come
  8. Do - did - done
  9. Eat - ate - eaten
  10. Fall - fell - fallen
  11. Find - found - found
  12. Fly - flew - flown
  13. Give - given - given
  14. Go - went - gone
  15. Have - had
  16. Know - knew - known
  17. Make - made - made
  18. Run - ran - run
  19. Say - said - said
  20. See - saw
  21. Take - taken - taken
  22. Think - thought - thought
  23. Understand - understood
  24. Write - written

Methods to learn English irregular verbs efficiently

  1. Repetition: Repetition is the simplest and most effective method of learning English irregular verbs. By repeating verbs regularly, learners can better memorize them and use them more easily in real-life situations.
  2. Image associations: Image associations are an effective method for remembering irregular verbs by associating them with mental images. For example, to memorize the verb ""to go"", we can imagine a person going on a trip.
  3. Songs: Songs are a fun way to learn English irregular verbs. Learners can listen to English songs that use irregular verbs and try to remember them by singing.
  4. Games: Games are a fun way to learn English irregular verbs. Learners can play online or offline games that practice irregular verbs, such as memory games, card games or board games.
  5. Mobile apps: Mobile apps are a convenient option for learning English irregular verbs on the go. There are many free and paid apps that offer exercises and games to learn irregular verbs.

Tips for using English irregular verbs in real-life situations

  1. Reading and Listening in English: Learners can read books in English or listen to radio shows or podcasts to practice listening comprehension and irregular verbs.
  2. Practice writing in English: Learners can practice writing in English by writing sentences or dialogues that use irregular verbs. Learners can also write stories using irregular verbs.
  3. Participate in English conversations: Learners can participate in English conversations to practice their English communication skills and use irregular verbs in real-life situations. Learners can also participate in language exchanges to practice their English with native English speakers.


Learning English irregular verbs effectively is essential for improving English comprehension and communication. Learners can use simple methods such as repetition and picture association, as well as playful methods such as songs and games, to memorize irregular verbs. By practicing writing, reading, and communicating in English, learners can use irregular verbs in real-life situations to improve their English proficiency.


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