"Employees are more comfortable speaking in English. The training allowed some of them to do this, and reinforced the confidence of those who already had a good level.


Internationalize the teams of a fast-growing startup specialized in HR management. Raising the skills of all sales and project managers to a B2 level in English was a major strategic challenge.


At the end of customized training courses of 10 to 20 hours depending on their needs, 100% of the team members followed reached at least the targeted B2 level. All of them have testified that they are now more comfortable and confident in speaking in English at work.

Trained people
Attendance rate
B2 certification rate
Satisfaction rating

Interview with :

Chloé De Belly
Knowledge & Career Manager @Skello
When you contacted Lingueo, what was your training need?

Our start-up is growing rapidly and one of our challenges was to succeed in our internationalization. Our training need was to give our employees the opportunity to improve their English language skills for smoother exchanges between employees from all over the world.

Which professions were concerned by this need for training, and what skills were required?

Before contacting various training organizations likely to meet our language training needs, we carried out a mapping of the employees' level of English (in relation to the CERCL criteria, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and another on the degree of use of English in their professional practice. By crossing the two parameters, we were able to identify the profiles to be trained as a priority, and all employees were potentially concerned. All corporate communications are in English. It is therefore essential that everyone, regardless of their position, masters at least the basics in order to understand.

What were Lingueo's strengths in meeting Skello's needs?

Lingueo's proposal appealed to us because it gave everyone the opportunity to learn at their own pace and according to their specific needs. And since learning a language also depends on the feeling with the trainer, Lingueo gave us the freedom to change the trainer, on a case-by-case basis, if an employee wished to do so. In addition to this caring and personalized teaching approach, we also appreciated the proposal for direct follow-up between the customer service representative and the learners in order to respond to individual requests.

How did the training take shape?

The project team communicated with the identified employees and made them aware of this 10 or 20 hour English training opportunity.

How does the training respond to the daily professional life of your employees?

Often it is not the academic knowledge of English that is lacking, but rather the confidence to express themselves in a language other than their native tongue.Once they have completed their studies, opportunities to converse in English are not so frequent, apart from trips abroad. The Lingueo training allowed some of the students to feel confident in their ability to speak in English, and strengthened the confidence of those who already had a good level of English.

Lessons learned from this mission, on the Lingueo side

Through this collaboration with Air France, we learned how to co-construct a customized training program for a highly specialized target group, and we also saw the effectiveness of a curriculum aimed at reducing inhibitions through humor.

See more case studies

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